Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Hostility to Reason, Part 1

Once upon a time there was an sharp young college woman who spent her time outside of her gender studies classes planning events for the Women's Resource Center showing how big a problem rape culture was. This student was full of life, energy, and anger – anger at the patriarchy, which enables most men to get away with rape because the patriarchy scares women away from reporting their rapes. She tirelessly quoted rape statistics, claiming that 1 in 3 women get raped.

One day this student repeated these statistics to another student whose opinion didn't matter because of his male privilege, who replied that there was no rape culture and that about 7 in 1000 women get raped according to federal statistics. Obviously this young man, whose opinions don't matter because he has a penis, is an agent for the patriarchy. Her options are to either ignore him or scream at him. Engagement is rarely an option.

This may sound like an extreme example but hostility to facts is all-too common for Social Justice Warriors. Case studies abound in the real world, whether it is the fact that there is no wage gap, or that the Black Lives Matter movement is unpopular , or that Bernie Sanders has little chance of winning the election , or that there can be such a thing a a Black conservative. I could go on and on.

Ideology clouds our thought processes and is irrational. There is a movement afoot in the feminist SJW community to disregard science and reform it in the image of Holy Mother Tumblr. Richard Dawkins correctly identifies the source ofthis as postmodernism when he mocked the infusion of gender theory into physics. Yes, some feminists think Newtonian physics, the Theory of Relativity, and turbulent flow are sexist theories. It's well worth the view if you haven't seen his short speech.

Biological sciences, too, are sexist. One university who should probably lose federal funding has launched a 'feminist' biology PhD program. ( Why a feminist science program? Because the sciences are rooted in male-conceived paradigms of power and oppression. Obviously gravity is a tool of the patriarchy (*adjusts tinfoil hat*) and the existence of testosterone and larger physical builds contributing to greater physical strength in males is a form of structural oppression.

Why has this happened? It's rooted in the myth of privilege. Social Justice Warriors continue to promote the myth of racial and gender privilege because it suits their purposes despite universities being dominated now by women. Scientific research is housing universities, with programs actively seeking out women who want to work in those fields. Yet take a look in a hard science classroom and the ratio of men to women is the skewed towards men. Why? Fear and propaganda by Social Justice Warriors.

The world is a crazy place.

Science programs are 'sexist.' It might be more accurate to suggest that the education track women take is to blame, with fewer women going into sciences and instead pursuing social sciences and pseudo-scientific trash like gender studies, critical race theory and other nearly useless fields of study. Combined with the fear-based rhetoric that sexism dominates the sciences the effect is chilling: why would a woman want to study something useful when they internalize the nonsense that SJWs tell them? There is no evidence that the sciences are dominated by sexists yet the claim is made repeatedly and held as a Gospel truth.

I will write more soon on the topic of fear. It is the greatest tool propagandists have in getting people to surrender their reason and to instead blindly follow a program. Fear is the classic tool of political actors who want nothing more than naked unadulterated power. Social Justice Warriors are principally concerned with power due to their adherence to Cultural Marxism, which is itself a topic for another day.

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